The participation of black women researchers in the production of the scientific knowledge


  • Azânia Mahin Romão Nogueira
  • Joana Célia dos Passos
  • Tânia Mara Cruz


Black women researchers, Race relations, Gender


This work integrates the research “Black Brazilian Researcher Association: the participation of black women researchers in the production of the  scientific knowledge” that seeks to exanimate the  participation of black women researchers of the  Black Brazilian Researcher Association, in the production of the scientific knowledge in general  and about racial relations and gender relations.  For purposes of presentation in this event, we identified articles and communications that  address articulately race, gender and scientific production in the journals Cadernos Pagu and  Revista da ABPN, and in the events Fazendo Gênero and Brazilian Congress of Black  Researchers. After a review, we analyzed the articles and communications contained in the  events and publications produced by researchers  affiliated to the Black Brazilian Researcher  Association, seeking to observe on which fields of knowledge are i nserted their productions. To  better understand the fields encompassed in this analysis, we build a profile of the researchers  considering, from the Black Brazilian Researcher Association’s registration database and the Lattes  Plataform, their formation, f ields of expertise and  research and geographical location. We verified  that women are the majority of researchers and the area of biggest activity of these researchers is the Human Sciences, where Social Anthropology  and Education are the fields with higher presence. Another important aspect is the low production in the fields of Applied Social Sciences and Health  Sciences. We also verified that the universities in  the southeastern of Brazil, for the location and  activity of these researchers, are the one that  concentrates the academic production regarding  race and gender relations.

Author Biographies

Azânia Mahin Romão Nogueira

Estudante da oitava fase do Curso de Geografia da UFSC, Florianópolis, S C , Brasil.

Joana Célia dos Passos

Doutora em Educação. Professora no Centro de Educação da UFSC , Florianópolis, SC.

Tânia Mara Cruz

Doutora em Educação. Professora no PPGE/UNISUL.



How to Cite

Nogueira, A. M. R. ., Passos, J. C. dos ., & Cruz, T. M. . (2022). The participation of black women researchers in the production of the scientific knowledge. Identidade!, 18(3), 291–302. Retrieved from