Identity processes

hybridization and racism in Brazilian soap opera


  • Maureci Moreira de Almeida
  • Francisco Xavier Freire Rodrigues


Identity, Soap Operas, Racism, Hybridization


This paper discuss he relationship between identity, hybridization and racism in Brazilian soap operas. Thus, we use the identity concepts according to Bauman, Hall and Canclini. Highlighting, the last author also the hybridization conception. According to these authors, the identity is not something pure and immutable; it is a discarded point of view, constituting a mere fiction. There are just identity processes, and these are in a dynamic construction and reconstruction process. In addition, the hybridization idea is directly related to the same issue because the identities are not pure, but they are the result of hybridizations of different cultures and customs. Thus, Brazilian soap operas seem to reinforce a kind of purity of national identity by showing only the white phenotype. In this manner, for those who watch the soap operas (both domestic as foreign viewers) can have a false idea that there is a white majority in Brazil and that we live in a racial democracy. We chose, as methodology to discuss these issues, the Joel Zito Araújo's concepts, which deals specifically with the racism problem, especially in audiovisual products. Based on the mentioned authors, we are going to make an analysis of the hybridization process that is present in the identities construction and reverberates in soap operas in a racist and exclusionary way.

Author Biographies

Maureci Moreira de Almeida

Mestrando em Estudo de Cultura Contemporânea – ECCO/UFMT. Especialista em Relações Raciais e Educação na Sociedade Brasileira pelo NEPRE/UFMT. Bacharel e Licenciado em filosofia pela UFMT. Professor de Filosofia da rede Estadual de Educação.

Francisco Xavier Freire Rodrigues

Doutor em sociologia, Professor do departamento de Sociologia e Ciência Política da UFMT.
Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea – ECCO,
do Instituto de Linguagens da UFMT. Coordenador do Grupo de Trabalho Sociologia do Esporte da Sociedade Brasileira de Sociologia.



How to Cite

Almeida, M. M. de, & Rodrigues, F. X. F. (2022). Identity processes: hybridization and racism in Brazilian soap opera. Identidade!, 19(2), 13–27. Retrieved from

