Challenges of ethnography

tensions of anthropological work in the construction of technical reports in Quilombola communities


  • Cristian Jobi Salaini


Social recognition, Memory, Territoriality, Ethnography, Anthropological expertise


The goal of this article is the anthropological and ethnographical work itself when immersed in technical expertise situations. The discussion of the vicissitudes of the field work and of ethnography in these situations produces a conceptual broadening of the way in which we interpret the technical works as well of the universe itself of social anthropology. I seek to problematize my participation - in the condition of anthropologist expert – in the production of technical reports of territorial recognition of the quilombola communities in Brazil. The legal apparatus which dictates the quilombola issue (article 68 of the Act of Constitutional Transitory Provisions of the Federal Constitution and its infra-constitutional derivations) acts as the fundamental framework for the identity production of these social groups, albeit not presenting itself as the only one. In this sense there are different frameworks which dialog with the historicities of the groups and which produce a classificatory dynamic of a complex nature.

Author Biography

Cristian Jobi Salaini

Doutor em antropologia social pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Professor do Curso de Relações Internacionais na ESPM (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing)



How to Cite

Salaini, C. J. (2022). Challenges of ethnography: tensions of anthropological work in the construction of technical reports in Quilombola communities. Identidade!, 20(1), 98–110. Retrieved from

