Reflections on myths, rites and indigenous spirituality


  • Linda Siokmey Tjhio Cesar Pestana


Indians, Myth, Ritual, Spirituality, Ecology


The life and the journey of Indians in Brazil have riches that go unnoticed by the current colonialist and capitalist culture. The Potiguara and the Tabajara in Paraíba experience for years, conflicts with today's society, where there isn’t adequate space for the storage of their myths, rituals and spirituality. Humanity and ecology suffer from the exclusion of these people and deforestation associated, since the indigenous wisdom includes healthy relationship of man with himself, with others, with nature and with the transcendent, which can contribute to transform and reverse the socio-political and economic devastation unleashed today. This text is bibliographic research and intends to inform and invite the reader to reflect on indigenous causes, maroon and green space that belong to everyone and all of us, since each person is part of this tangle of people.

Author Biography

Linda Siokmey Tjhio Cesar Pestana

Mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências das Religiões – PPGCR/UFPB, Especialista em Aconselhamento e Psicologia Pastoral – EST, Bacharel em Teologia – FACETEN, Cirurgiã-Dentista – FOUSP, Terapeuta Comunitária Integrativa – ABRATECOM, Capacitada em Prevenção do Uso de Drogas – UFSC/SENAD, Participante do Grupo de Pesquisa: Religiões, Identidades e Diálogos – UNICAP. Recife/PE/Brasil.



How to Cite

Pestana, L. S. T. C. (2022). Reflections on myths, rites and indigenous spirituality. Identidade!, 20(2), 95–102. Retrieved from